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Tuesday, October 26

A Wreath for Fall

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(Believe it or not)
Walmart sells really
pretty wreaths!

Last year I bought this one 
for only about $20 . . . 

I already really like it,
but I wanted to change it 
this year & make it
look even prettier by adding ribbon.

I went through all my ribbon
(even some Christmas)
and layered it to make
a loose bow with 3 
loops and long tails.

I love the chartreuse green ribbon,
but the color wasn't represented much
in the wreath, s-o-o-o I added
this bead stuff.
(Tucked away with my Christmas ribbon.)

And here it is on my new door.


  1. OMGosh, I love it!!! You are right, it looked fine before, but wow! That ribbon really makes it look...special! Love the "bead stuff" you worked in with it, too :)

  2. Great work!! Just stumbled onto your blog from DIY! Glad I did :)

  3. I'm pleasantly surprised you found this at Wal-Mart! Your special touch made it simply lovely.

  4. Looks much much better with the embellishments you added. Beautiful on the door!

  5. Oh my heck. That looks so great. Love how you just spruced up that wreath from Walmart. Now it looks very expensive.


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