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Saturday, March 19

Procrastination and My Ken Doll

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So I bought a fun chair at the thrift store
for $8. Then I bought cute fabric to recover it.
What's the problem? I'm a little intimidated by this
project, so I am

In the meantime, I wanted to show you
my "Ken" doll.
Remember Barbie's boyfriend?
I was a real "Barbie" girl & I played with
my dolls for hours on end.

Now I have a living Ken doll.
There are some little girls who have a crush on
him & they call him "Ken". 
When we found out, (after having a good chuckle)
we decided they're right!
And I found a picture in the newspaper to
prove it. 

Here's a photo of a Ken doll . . .

And here's a pic of my son, Christian . . . 

Notice the resemblance? 
As you can see, I have my own
"living doll".

Luckily he doesn't read my blog!
He might be a little 
infuriated embarrassed
that I'm talking about him.

Next week I'll try to find some mojo
to tackle a creative project. 

Linked up to:

Fashion Diary of a Mormon Girl


  1. He definetly looks like Ken..Very handsome..xx

  2. He certainly is very handsome Michelle & I can imagine the girls SWOON over him !!!

  3. I remember babysitting your boys, and they were darling then! It looks like things haven't changed. By the way, I love your blog Michelle!

  4. Oh my goodness, that boy is a cutie. I bet you are his #1 girl!!!

  5. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the chair, when the inspiration strikes!

    Love the vintage Ken doll pic next to the one of your sweet son!

  6. I love your blog and the great ideas I get for young womens and family get togethers. Yes, your son does look like Ken. So cute!

  7. Just found your blog via my cousin Nellie. Love your posts!

  8. He is totally Ken! This is great. I'm so glad you shared. :)

  9. Oh grand girls would think he is cuter then Justin Beiber. He is a very very handsome young man with a great smile.

    I have an original Ken and Barbie doll ......from waaaay back in the day.

    can't wait to see what you do with the chair you bought.

  10. oh, not to mention his beautiful white teeth

  11. If I'm your son I fell so proud because I compare I mean Its really really look a like of boyfriend of barbie!! A big yes !! ,

    Procrastination Free Living


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