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Sunday, January 2

Snow Fun 2

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Don't you agree . . . 
there's no people like 

-Photo by Frankie Frankeny-

If you read my last post,
you know we've been having
lots of fun in the snow.

Snowmen aren't just for 
Christmas you know -
this is one fun activity that 
 can continue throughout 
the winter.

-Photos by Frankie Frankeny-

For creative inspiration,
I just love a book called
by Peter Cole, Frankie Frankey, & Leslie Jonath

-Photo by Frankie Frankeny-
The authors suggest using unconventional
materials to make awesome
creations in the snow.
(I just love the snow porcupine above!)

-Photo by Frankie Frankeny-
Remember, if your snow is dry (like ours)
and hard to work with, you can 
spritz with water to make it stick

-Photo by Frankie Frankeny-
For tall creations, they recommend 
using wooden stakes or dowels 
through the center
for support. 
You can also use a plastic pail 
or garbage can inside your 
work of art & build snow around it.
I've tried this & it works.
 Please email me photos of your 
snow fun - I'd love to feature you!