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Monday, January 24

A New Project

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My teeth have been aching
to tackle a new project 
using the things in this picture . . .

I'm going to work on it 
this week & I can't wait to
show you the finished product!

By the way, 
I'm getting close to the 
200 followers mark & I haven't forgotten
about doing a random act of kindness
to celebrate.

Then I'll start a year-long linky
party so that all of you can 
celebrate your happy
milestones too & we can
change the world
one blog at a time!


  1. Can't wait to see with what you come up with. Those frames are most excellent.

  2. You always do the best crafts ...Good Luck!!!!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love all those frames you picked up, they're fabulous! Can't wait to see what you'll do with them.

  4. Hi, Michelle! These are gorgeous frames! What is it about frames? I have a hard time getting rid of them! There always seems to be a project waiting for one! I know your's is going to be great!

  5. Lovely frames Michelle, I can't wait to see what magic you cast upon them!!!

  6. okey dokey...can't wait to see what you come up with. I love picture frames.

    I crafted yesterday with the grand was pretty challenging for me!!!!!!!!!!!!


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