Tuesday, March 25

Ch-ch-changes for the Blog!

When I originally chose my blog name, I spent weeks on the decision. {In case you're new here - the name I chose was Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust}. What I didn't know back then is that Disney {and I love them - bless their hearts} is quite protective of their "stuff". 
So-o-o I've been working on a new name for AT LEAST a year. I have come up with a hundred BRILLIANT names - which other people came up with also {only they were first!}. I finally found a name that I love & that I think reflects me & my style - Honey I'm Home.  I think it's going to be a lot of fun & I hope you like it too.

Additionally, I - who have never spent any money on my blog - have hired a blog designer! GASP! Yay! It's been so worth it. Many thanks to Lindsay from Artsy Fartsy Mama for her creative ideas & patience in helping me. 

I also have one more surprise - I'm welcoming a contributor on board. You're going to LOVE her. 

Bottom line: I so appreciate you for reading. I am trying to grow & become more successful - which means I can have more fun content for you. Please help me grow by sharing my blog with someone you know. And check back soon for the changes.


  1. I haven't stop here in a while but I am so glad I caught this post! Cheers for your changes!

    1. Hi Claudia, Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you & yours are doing well.

      Warmly, Michelle

  2. It looks great! I came over to check it out because your IG name changed. :)

    1. Thanks so much Amy. I am so glad you like it & I appreciate you for stopping by & leaving a comment. Love getting to know you on IG. #yourock

      Warmly, MIchelle

  3. Those damn Disney Stalkers lol! But I love the new name. Congratulations and good luck

    1. Your comment made me laugh Milla. Thanks so much for the good luck wishes & I'm so glad you like the new name!

      Warmly, Michelle

  4. I've been waiting to see what you would choose and I LOVE IT. Perfect for you, just wonderful. And your blog design is OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! I've been through all your recent posts and love it all. Excellent job, Michelle! xoxo jules

    1. Dearest Jules, SO great to hear from you! I've tried to pop by your blog to say hello & it was *GULP* gone!! I was so worried that I would loose touch with you! I'm glad that you like the new name & design. And I hope you are well. If you start a new blog, please let me know so that I can follow {I'm a fan!}.

      Love, Michelle


I love getting comments, but I am WORN OUT from a barrage of spam. I had to turn off my comments for now. If you would like to send me a message you can email me at mishlunt@yahoo.com.

Thank you for reading Honey I'm Home!

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